Wednesday, July 31, 2013

someone took me to be nearly 10 years younger then I am.
had the first real argument with my studio colleague.
biked 30 km.
made a good picture (I think)
gave training.
I missed an appointment.
have a headache and generally feel confused.(maybe in a good way ...)

(random picture, Marzahner Promenade)

Monday, July 29, 2013


this city still is two cities ... whenever I go to the "deep west" I feel I am visiting a different city from the one I am living in. And that´s a feelong I really like.


after the heat of the weekend this slightly cooler and gray monday is a bit of a relief ... with the knowledge that the sun will be back in a couple of days;-)
strawberries and tomatoes are ripening fast on the balcony

Monday, July 1, 2013