Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Luxembourg on a Sunday / green and blue

a very different light then the one I know from Berlin. Winter blue.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

autumn colors in November

 trying to absorb as many colors as possible before the onslaught of winter ...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

some crappy iphone pictures from the last 8 days

strange and changing times. no idea how the future will be but i feel that some things are coming to an end.
it´s time to clean up unfinished business from the past.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

thinking about a new website...

... as i just took mine down.
it didn´t reflect what i am doing anymore. or did it?
a static website somehow feels wrong and i don´t have the time to make time consuming updates.
i have been thinking of simply putting everything into a blog and just adding stuff from time to time.
my thoughts on the subject are as unorganized as my work is right now.
i could do with a bit of positive feedback .... and a sale or two ....