Thursday, January 2, 2014

* * * H A P P Y 2 0 1 4 ! ! ! * * *

 I spent the last days of 2013 in bed ... my first fever since 2009. Somehow it felt right, even though I felt awful. I needed to sweat 2013 out of my system, maybe even more then 2013.
 Do I have any new years resolutions?
Yes, for once I have.
One big one: get my life in order (as far that is even possible).
and, enjoy life more.
See what I have and live and enjoy that fully.
Keep on dreaming and at the same time actually do everything to realise some of these dreams!
be the person I am
earn money. enough money. more then enough money.
stop letting thoughts of death and decay poison my life.

 take decisions.
 spen time with people i like. without wasting my time with people i don´t really like.

 accept the pain in my heart. get over it.
 make damn good art.
 surprise myself.