Saturday, September 28, 2013

finished moving my stuff from the "old" studio to the new one ... said goodbye and thank you to the old space and felt a bit sad ... but also happy for a new start and also for letting some bad memories behind ...
new beginnings.

Friday, September 27, 2013

gluing my life together

what if suddenly your life doesn 't make sense anymore and you feel like you have no place and no role in society, no real friends, your so called art is meaningless, you have no children and no money and no success ... what do you do?
what if you feel tired and alone and hopeless.. how do you start again?
what if every idea you have is one you had already and you never seem to be able to realise the few good ones you had ... 
what if you feel you need help but you don 't know how and whom to ask? (and have no money to pay for an hour of talking ...)
what do you do ?
Glue your life together, stand still, breathe and start all over again. 
The good thing with people not caring about your art is that you can do whatever you like, no one is going to miss what you did before.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

last week in pictures / letzte Woche in Bildern ...

letzte Woche war ...

Montag der Atelier Besuch der Goethe Institut kids aus Minsk.
fortschreitender Umzug von grossem alten Atelier in kleine neues Atelier ... und die überraschende Erleichterung und Freude die ich dabei empfinde.
Gespräch mit Jessie die im Hochhaus neben dem "alten" Atelier wohnt und eine Ausbildung zur Zweirad Kfz Mechanikern macht.
Finissage von Maurice in der Galerie M, und da besonders das Video von Jens (namesi)
Wie lebendig der Wedding ist (verglichen mit Marzahn).
Rolfing session Nummer 4 bei Susanne.
schrecklich kalt am Montag (wo ich in die Sauna mich aufwärmen ging) und wunderbares Wetter seit Donnerstag.
schönes Training am Donnerstag von Claudia.
preiwerten Flug nach Bangkok gefunden für März 2014 ....

Besuch im Atelier:

Fussgängerbrücke in Prenzlauer Berg:

work in progress im "neuen" Atelier:

 die Installation von namesi in der Galerie M:

Friehof im Wedding:
